Surf Trips, Excursions, Retreats, Camping
Date: TBD

Dates: On-Going, conditions permitting
This 7-week program is for a select group of surfers ready to take their surf game to the air.
There will be a focus on section visualization, wave potential maximization, and overall surf proficiency. Over the course of the program, surfers will gain insight into reading and navigating different wave sections, optimizing maneuvers, and building on strong rail-to-rail surfing foundations.
This intensive includes surf clips from every session and surf reflection journals.
Lead Coach: Rusty White
Date: TBD

Dates: August 18-21,2024
Join us for our 15th annual summer San Onofre Camping Trip!
Sunday, August 18- Wednesday, Aug 21, 2024 $800
**Open to any/all Surf Academy registered middle and high school surfers
This is the last event before school starts, and we are so stoked to end summer vacation in rip roaring style!
We camp at San Mateo campgrounds and spend the week surfing several spots in and around San Clemente. It's a shred-tastic time filled with waves, camp fires, s'mores, and shenanigans! Transportation, meals and meal prep, daily surf coaching, and the tent set up are included!
Date: TBD

Dates: August 12-16, 2024
August 2024 Immersion Excursion-Middle and High School Seasters
Mon, Aug 12th - Fri, Aug 16th, 2024 * 8-3pm $800
We are so excited about these intensive surf courses! They are an exploration of surfing and surf culture: physical (a tailored program specific to the needs of each grom), mental endurance (yoga for surfers), emotional (self-esteem building), and social (community outreach and industry). We will explore the many branches of surf culture all week long, leading up to a photo shoot on Friday.